Your Mental Wellness Podcast for Your Voice and Sanity

From Moodie to Foodie: Your Food Mood Survival Guide

November 09, 2021 Dr. Sibylle Georgianna's Leadership Practice Season 2 Episode 7

Are you a foodie? Or a moodie? With the foods that we are consuming, we get to create our mental wellness, our ability to use our voice, and our ability to have sound judgment AKA sanity. Or are you a moodie, dealing with brain farts, brain fog, overwhelm, and all the other feelings and experiences that we have, when we're not at our best? Become your own SHERPA by checking out this complimentary Food Mood Journal prior to our next episode (to be reviewed with sherpa Sarah Hohmann- stay tuned for her visit):).

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Tools for Vitality: Therapy, Coaching, Optimizing Nutrition and Movement for Mental Wellness

Sibylle Georgianna:

Hey there, this is Sibylle Georgianna. And back again, on this topic on how we can eat our feelings, how would the food that we take in, we get to be creating our mental wellness, our ability to use our voice, and our ability to have sound judgment, or what we call sanity, instead of brain farts, brain fog, overwhelm, and all the other feelings and experiences that we have, when we're not at our best. You may look at me and say, Hey, why did you never talk about you know, the stuff that's really interesting how to have better sex or how to, you know, make sure that the kids get well through life, or how I can find the right person to be with. And with this podcast, in these individual building blocks that you get in each episode, rest assured that if you were to take them all out of your toolbox and use them all, one at a time, you would be surprised to find how also these other areas of life get to be positively influenced. And trust me, we will have an episode of how food can enhance sexuality. So stay tuned for that. But to get there, I want us to understand and I was shocked to know about that, that a lot of times the foods we eat are not dense in nutrients, and only one in 10 Americans here in the northern United States here. Do eat one in America, one in 10 Americans eats in a fashion that he or she has all the nutrients that the body needs part of their diet, nine out of 10 Americans don't get every nutrient and the variety of nutrients we need to thrive. So I want to inspire us here to learn a little bit about this because we noticed that if certain nutrients are not in place, such as macronutrients are the bigger ones, proteins, fats, and those carbohydrates that are good fats with a low glycemic index, as well as if micronutrients are not in place vitamins, minerals, and fiber as well as water. Our body's ability to self regulate to produce neurotransmitters that give us good feelings is very limited. So I want to talk a little bit about how how much macronutrients be consumed directly is found to affect our mood, and how our mood like feeling good or feeling anxious, feeling overwhelmed. Feeling depressed, is really a strong, you know, strongly linked to our diet, and in particular to proteins that are, you know, if we look at certain proteins that are especially valuable, if we think about our mood, we, you know, we will find that we can regulate our mood by eating certain types of proteins. So neurotransmitter stuff, the little particles that help your brain make sense of the world are being created from amino acids, which is this chemical thing that is found in protein. And there's different types of proteins, we don't have to like, dive into that level. But the idea is that if we have certain proteins, then it then basically if we think about it, like on a tiny level, but the protein consists of amino acids, and there's something that is essential that can't be made by the body that must come through the diet, as well as some new acids that can be synthesized through the body that's healthy. And that doesn't have to be consumed by a diet. However, if we're looking at this together, we have to understand that you know, a complete, you know, food or like a full complete amino acid or for like a complete reaction that helps us with the protein use of our body, we need to have foods that help us with or that contain all of the essential amino acids that the body needs. And that needs them also in the correct proportion. So for example, having unprocessed meats, chicken, turkey, beef, stuff like that having eggs, dairy, plant based sources can be used with caution. And again, I'm not the nutritionist talking. But if we are using, you know, these proteins, then our body is in a better place to be less depressed, less anxious, and with a better place. for dealing with stressors, and dealing with even immune taxing situations. So I want us to be figuring out together, how to get the right foods into our bodies. And I will post a mood journal, it's called the three day food, Journal of mood. That was part of my nutritional psychologists class. And with that we can catch which type of proteins are you consuming, and help you know which which, which can help you with your blood sugar, which can help you with your body's response to stress. And which can help you with your body's anti inflammatory response. So as we will look at this way to organize, you know your food by whether the food that you take in is complex carbohydrates, whether your food is simple carbohydrates, or you would find yourself looking for that fibrous foods, then you can see that you have in your control, to choose what's necessary for you to be less depressed, less stressed, less overwhelmed, and less anxious. So if we're just looking at things that you know, I learned in my class here is that we can even counteract depression by eating certain foods. So I just talked a lot about a couple of items here. And you can just take it from there, talk with your nutritionist, talk with your doctor about it. But the idea is, for example, if we are having a diet that includes healthy fats that are not saturated, they can counteract depression and anxiety. So for example, and there is also a flyer with all type of nutrient dense foods that you can access from the podcast. You can find these omega three fatty acids, for example, that you find in fish that you find in for example. Also, like let's say vegetable oils that you find in nuts. These taken together can help stabilize not just your blood sugar, but also counteract depression, anxiety, and blood sugar crashes. So why am I bringing this up? Am I going to be on your case that you eat? Well, no. However, when we are at a point where we say it doesn't matter, I don't care anymore. I just open my Doritos or my chips or whatever I do at 930 at night to eat into, to kind of beat my cravings. As we can find ourselves in that place so easily. I want us to, like slow down a little bit. Put on paper or like make us aware that if we were to just pay attention to a couple of things, it will help us with our cravings. It will make us feel less desperate. It will make us feel less depressed, it will make us feel less overwhelmed. And this capacity is in your hands. So we get to be on this together here I will post what I have to look at basically I give you a couple of categories where you can categorize the foods that you consume into dense versus not so dense and macronutrients. We'll look at if you could even figure out what the micronutrients are and how we can fill that out together. Now a little chart here for you to become not just an expert, but also your own sharper on this topic. Rest assured that I want to always encourage you to talk with your medical professionals about specifics of your situation so that you truly can be the support in a way as you need to. But there's so much in our hands when it comes to our ability to self regulating guide ourselves and be become our best own Sherpa that I want to give you these tools now. So let's get ready. Let's look into our categories here and let's start categorizing our food intake enjoy