Your Mental Wellness Podcast for Your Voice and Sanity
Your Mental Wellness Podcast for Your Voice and Sanity
Foods for Getting in the Mood
Since the beginning of time, people go to great lengths in order to be enhancing their capacities for physical intimacy. The good news is that sexual capacity and to be enhancement, all that is literally at your fingertips, and in your capacity to be enhanced through the foods that you eat. Learn more about this in this episode!
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Tools for Vitality: Therapy, Coaching, Optimizing Nutrition and Movement for Mental Wellness
Bear. Today I want to talk about this fun topic of food and mood as it pertains to sexual expression. Since the beginning of time, I believe humans have pursued what we call aphrodisiacs. Substances that a thought of having the capacity to enhance your sexual expression. And we see it in ancient cultures. We see it nowadays, even if you do a search on aphrodisiacs, you can buy anything that truly, but the idea, or the question is, is what we would purchase a beneficial for sexual expression and be potentially even harmful, as as people go to great lengths in order to be enhancing their sexual capacity. So the good news is that sexual capacity and to be enhancement, all that is literally at your fingertips, and in your capacity to be enhanced through the foods that you eat. And we've seen in studies as well as in our private practice, and give a shout out here to my own respective practitioner and choice panel, but really has worked with a lot of clients to optimize their well being and their food intake for sexual expression. That we see that the elimination of sodas from your diet and the elimination of simple carbohydrates. So refined flour, refined sugar, stuff like that, as you eliminate it, it within a short amount of time, increases the capacity of your body to produce the chemicals and the neurotransmitters, and the hormones necessary for your sex hormones to be active and add good levels, in particular, your what we call bioavailable, our free testosterone. So, we've found that, as specifically, men have eliminated simple carbohydrates and men and women have eliminated carbohydrates and sodas, that we see a better capacity from him to perform sexually as well as a decrease in potential interference by sexual pain. And if you look at interstitial cystitis, or some more complex situations, there are specific eating and nutritional guidelines that are there to then positively enhance the decrease off sexual discomfort. So I just want to say here, that eating clean can be used as an aphrodisiac really, the stuff that's out there and advertised is questionable things like a tree of yohimbine, a bark. Even that, you would want to be careful in the capacity, how that product is produced, and that if it's chemically produced, artificially produced, it can be potentially even dangerous. worse is if you have it in more of its raw way of being harvested, that it may be more helpful to consume. So if we think about what makes especially for women, as we age and as we are moving towards menopause, we see that the nutritional capacities for good mood there's there's different meats and domains. So there is a and the fat. That is all if we started even with like a flexi flaxseed oil, or any other source of Omega three, the idea is that you would want to have that use it at least like twice daily, we look at the sex producing what we call DHEA to chemical in the body that is your source so that your body produces sex related hormones. So you want to use at least 10 milligrams daily in the morning for hormonal balance in an energy boost. We look at vitamin C, if we think of like let's say you have a multivitamin, you want to take 500 milligrams, twice daily. We look at vitamin D, including, you know what's usually in a multivitamin. We want to see that at least there is 400 to 4000 units of vitamin d3 as part of your daily consumption for women's in particular. Also calcium should be increased to about 2000, I'm sorry, 1250 to 1500 milligrams a day, as well as magnesium, where we should see at least 700 to 1500 milligrams daily, as well as potentially foods or a product to enhance the iron in the body. So the idea is that we have all these nutrients in the body that basically enhance our ability to be sexually at our best. One word with regards to the magnesium intake, magnesium and calcium need to be in balance with one another, they have opposite functions. So calcium contracts your muscles, magnesium relaxes your muscles. So the adhere ratio of calcium to magnesium is thought to be one to one to two to one. So for example, you get 800 milligrams of calcium a day, need four to 800 milligrams of magnesium. And that's more than most what most people get in terms of magnesium. So you would want to look for these influences in your diet in your food in your multivitamins, to optimize your sexual capacity, I hope this has been a little bit inspirational. In not just something out. Before I end here, I want to just briefly comment as to this commonly thought of aphrodisiac or off alcohol, it's alcohol is a central nervous depressant, and it depresses our capacity to be inhibited depresses our capacity to give us a hard time. So it makes us feel more sexy if we drink, but the capacity of sexual functioning is actually impaired through the use of alcohol. So the perception of the user is that it helps them to be more in it or maybe less distracted, or they feel, you know, less anxious. But the reality is that that mechanism, unfortunately, inhibits blood flow inhibits your capacities to make good decisions, inhibits your capacity to connect to the other person, and therefore, is maybe felt as if aphrodisiacs, but it's truly what we call an aphrodisiac. So it's something that would hinder you in your sexual capacity. And any other word with an anti in it. So anti inflammatory, anti depressant, anti hap hypotension. That is, those are also thought as classified as an aphrodisiac. So something that would injure your sexual capacity. So be inspired. I know this can be very specific to your needs, physically, emotionally, and I only talked about the more organic side of the mood. But I want to inspire you to really look into this because a lot of times we think our sexualities in our head, but in reality, it's really who our body is able to be in it. So be inspired, and let me know your thoughts on questions. As always look forward to hearing from you. Bye for now.